Bridezilla Signing In

Welcome to my blog! You must have come from my personal website, or Twitter, or elsewhere... Regardless, welcome to my new blog where I plan to chronicle my journey through married life. I am currently engaged and soon to be married this coming June. (confetti)
This blog is to also share my thoughts and experiences as I go through the next chapter of my life (cliche, but true). I will be sharing stories of my engagement, how I met Tim, and the crazy stuff that we have to go through in planning a civil wedding. But for now, welcome, and I hope you'd like what you will see.
Au revoir.


  1. Looking forward for more of your posts

  2. Congratulations and welcome

  3. Excited for more post and blogs..

  4. Always here po to support your new blog ^_^

  5. Looking forward for your more posts. Ü


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